Kitchen Makeover

My sister, Christina, was kind enough to help me do a little home "sprucing" on Memorial Day. We celebrated the holiday earlier that weekend, so Monday we had no major plans. I was able to con her into helping me paint my kitchen and hang window treatments. Whatta gal! 

We took my plain Jane khaki-color kitchen to poppin' rusty-red eye-candy! ;-) 

Breakfast Nook

I've had this cat picture for forever and a day, but I can't seem to part with it. And Little Buddy loves it, so it's gotta stay now. He points to it and says "Ccaaa". 

This is something I'm proud of... For a more dramatic effect, I hung my drapes about a foot higher than the window, which caused the standard 84" window treatment to come up short. So to remedy this, I bought brown fabric and sewed it to the bottom of each panel. I think it turned out pretty cute.   

And I had this old chair sitting in my garage, so I decided to piant it the same color as my kitchen and place it in my den as an accent chair. It's fun and inexpensive, so when I am tired of it, I can put it back in the garage or get rid of it, and I've lost nothing. 

Just for fun, I did a little rearranging and placed this table and chair in my hallway. I found the table at an antique store in Chelsea (about $70 ) and bought the accessories at Home Goods. It is one of my favorite stores! You can find the best stuff for cheap, cheap, cheap! 

 I love mixing modern and traditional!

Me in my new red kitchen - "Girl, put on some makeup!"

Thanks to my good friend, Laura, for the beautiful photos!!!


Laura said...

Haha! Still love your decorating, and thanks for letting me come over and document the transformation for all posterity - I felt like "Edward for a day"!

Laura said...

Love the new background - very cute!

Jana said...

Do you know what paint color this is? Just stumbled across your blog:) LOVE the color! Just curious and Thanks!

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